K. Male'
07 May 2018 | Mon 05:16
MPs Ilham Ahmed (l) and Abdulla Sinan
MPs Ilham Ahmed (l) and Abdulla Sinan
Government Overthrow Case
Terror trials: Nadheem, Areef, Ilham, Sinan’s hearings on Monday
Nadheem’s preliminary hearing is at 9am, MP Ilham's at 11am ex-CP Areef’s hearing is at 1pm, and MP Sinan’s hearing is at 3pm
They have been charged with giving and receiving bribes in an attempt to overthrow the government
The state has said that they are involved in the Supreme Court order on February 1 to release nine political prisoners and 12 opposition MPs

Four people are to be summoned to the Criminal Court on Monday for their hearings on terrorism-related charges regarding the controversial Supreme Court order on February 1.

The first hearing is for Mohamed Nadheem son-in-law of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom who has also been jailed over the same case.

Nadheem’s preliminary hearing is at 9am. In his first preliminary hearing the court gave him two days to assign a lawyer.

The next hearing is for Dhangethi MP Ilham Ahmed at 11am. Former police commissioner Ahmed Areef’s hearing is at 1pm. Lastly, South-Mahchangolhi MP Abdulla Sinan’s hearing is at 3pm.

They have been charged with giving and accepting bribes in an attempt to overthrow the government. The state has said that they are involved in issuing the Supreme Court order on February 1 to release nine political prisoners and 12 opposition MPs which had threatened national security.

Former police commissioner Areef is also alleged to have abused his position to use police officers against other officers in an attempt to influence the state.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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