K. Male'
06 May 2018 | Sun 17:48
Member of Parliament Abdulla Shahid
Member of Parliament Abdulla Shahid
Education Sector
'Government should provide tertiary education free of charge': MP Shahid
MP Shahid said that government financed Degrees pursued by most of the people in leading positions today
The budget for it will be available if the government's corruption and thievery reduces by even 10%
MP Shahid previously highlighted that Maldives has lost several scholarship opportunities due to leaving Commonwealth

Former Speaker of Parliament MP Abdulla Shahid said that the government should be able to provide tertiary education to current students free of charge, given how the educational expenses of most of the people who are currently in leading positions were covered by the government. 

In a tweet posted by MP Shahid on Sunday, he stated that the money for the task will be available if the corruption and thievery of the government reduces even by 10%. 

Furthermore, parents are also voicing concerns over the standards followed by the government in giving scholarships to students who perform well in their GCE O'levels and A'levels.

While the people holding important positions were provided education for free during Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom's administration, some were given educational loans. President Yameen Abdul Gayyoom, as well as the current Education Minister Dr. Aishath Shiham are amongst the aforementioned group. 

Additionally, MP Shahid previously highlighted that Maldives has lost several scholarship opportunities due to leaving Commonwealth.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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