K. Male'
05 May 2018 | Sat 18:07
Fuwad Thowfeek during an interview to RaajjeTV
Fuwad Thowfeek during an interview to RaajjeTV
Azmoon Ahmed
ACC Summons Fuwad
ACC summons ex-Elections Commissioner Fuwad Thowfeek
Fuwad has been summoned for 02:00pm on 9th May
The commission is investigating alleged corruption in how the Elections Commission had chosen members for its ‘National Compliance Bureau’

The Anti-Corruption Commission is investigating allegations of corruption against the Elections Commission’s former chief Fuwad Thowfeek and has summoned him for questioning.

Fuwad, who is currently residing in Sri Lanka after having been given a six-month jail sentence along with other members of the commission, has been summoned for 02:00pm on 9th May.

The commission is investigating alleged corruption in how the Elections Commission had chosen members for its ‘National Compliance Bureau’ ahead of the presidential elections back in 2013.

Fuwad and then deputy commissioner Ahmed Fayaz were found in contempt of court for criticizing a restrictive Supreme Court guideline for parliamentary elections held that year. Both of them were sacked.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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