K. Male'
05 May 2018 | Sat 16:46
Swimming track area on the south side of Male\'
Swimming track area on the south side of Male'
Swimming Track
Government makes long-awaited decision to steepen swimming track
A huge part of the swimming track has dried up
Therefore the issue of waste getting collected in that area has gotten worse
The area is being steepened upon Youth Ministry's request

Housing Ministry reported that the government has decided to steepen the swimming track area on the south side of Malé, since sand accumulation in the area has resulted in the track getting extremely shallow,

Sand accumulation in the east area of the swimming track has been causing various problems for the people using the track for quite some time now. For instance, several people have complained regarding the shallowness of the swimming platform even during high tide.  

After RaajjeMV reported on people's concerns regarding the issue, Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has tweeted about the government's decision to steepen the area upon Youth Ministry's request. While he did not specify dates for the project, Dr. Muizzu mentioned the importance of public corperation to ensure safety when the project starts. 

Swimming platformm in the track area

One of the biggest cosequences of sand accumulation in the area is the increase in waste pollution. Therefore people are voicing concerns about the unhygienic water there due to accumulating plastics and muck. In addition to which, there have been several complaints about the issue of oil spil in the area. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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