K. Male'
04 May 2018 | Fri 02:34
Members of the Maldives Media Council at an emergency meeting held in 2017
Members of the Maldives Media Council at an emergency meeting held in 2017
World Press Freedom Day 2018
Government taking immense strides to foster modern journalism in Maldives: MMC
Mueed said this during an event held on Thursday to mark World Press Freedom Day

The Maldivian government has been taking immense strides to foster modern standards in local journalism and the Maldivian press ‘needs to look to the future’, says Maldives Media Council president Mueed Hassan.

Mueed said this during an event held on Thursday to mark World Press Freedom Day, adding that journalism in the Maldives must let past obstacles go and focus on developing for the future.

Mueed also said that the council has taken important steps to tackle key issues that local journalists are presented with, since he assumed office.

As such, he said that the council has aimed to create an environment conducive to independent journalism in the Maldives and that those in the press must not view laws obstacles, but sources from which they gather strength through accountability.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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