K. Male'
03 May 2018 | Thu 07:20
Member of Parliament Ali Shah speaking to the press at Kunooz
Member of Parliament Ali Shah speaking to the press at Kunooz
MP Shah
MP Shah expresses concerns regarding Fuvahmulah
Parliament member Shah said that the issue of flooding in Fuvahmulah has not been solved.
He also mentioned the lack of a sports center and national university branch.
Shah also highlighted the lack of progress in the projects initiated by the current and previous administrations.

North-Fuvahmulah constituency MP Ali Shah has voiced his concerns over the government's failure to fulfill its promises to the people of Fuvahmulah.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, the lawmaker said that even though the island has received the title of a 'city', real concerns still remain unsolved.

He specified issues such as land erosion, inadequate facilities in schools, delays in road infrastructure, lack of a sports arena, insufficient hospital facilities and youth unemployment as alarming. 

'While Fuvahmulah has been titled a city, we still don't have a branch of the national university here. So we want you (the government) to fulfill the promises already made to the people of Fuvahmulah, before you come and make new ones', said Shah directing at First Lady's visit to Fuvahmulah. 

Shah also highlighted the lack of progress in the projects initiated by the current and previous administrations.

'Former Youth Minister Mohamed Maleeh Jamaal constructed the foundation of three sports arenas and completed building the futsal stadiums in the arena. We have not seen any adequate progress with the stadiums or any new initiations since then. Two stadiums from the previous project are still incomplete', said Shah, one of the 12 parliament members who lost their seats. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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