K. Male'
03 May 2018 | Thu 07:09
Labaan being arrested
Labaan being arrested
Sun Online
May Day 2015
Arrested in May 2015, Labaan now leads Maafushi Prison
While three years have elapsed since his implausible arrest, his family's only hope is to see him a free man
The young goalkeeper of Eagles Club was sentenced to five years behind bars on the 25th of July 2016
Labaan's dream to become a famous footballer was crushed following his arrest and sentencing

1st May is celebrated in many countries as an international day honouring workers.

2015's May Day saw the largest cluster of citizens poured onto the streets of capital city Male' in protest, involving Maldivian workers alike, calling for the administration to uphold it's responsibility to it's citizens.

Up till date, many still proclaim that the protest of May Day was one that shook the government to it's core.

Ibrahim Labaan Shareef, 18 at the time had set out from home on a typical afternoon to hang out with his friends.

Young, courteous and benevolent Labaan was someone who had never been to a protest in the entirety of his life.

Labaan had walked into the protest where Majeedhee Magu and Chaandhanee Magu meets and had reached the depth of the protest where officers of the Maldives Police Service (MPS) and protesters were seen tangled in a scuffle and a local was being beaten by officers.

Labaan had walked right into the middle of the chaos.

He had put in his best efforts to save the locals from the assault by the officers.

Throughout the muddle, Labaan was labelled as an individual who had attempted to assault a police officer and consequently, his arrest followed at around 05:40 pm on the 04th of May 2015 under allegations of assaulting a police officer.

He was arrested under a court order while he was at football practice in FAM's turf ground.

The investigative team of the MPS Serious and Organized Crime Department had come to arrest him, and had taken him straight to his residence, Baansari in Maafannu ward of capital city Male', in handcuffs.

His family had been stunned with the scepticism. They had found it hard to believe that Labaan could be someone who could inflict pain on another, or commit such a crime.

Labaan is the second eldest son among the six children Basheera Ali and Ahmed Shareef bore.

The couple had been tongue-tied upon seeing their child in handcuffs.

Labaan's mother

The young goalkeeper of Eagles Club was sentenced to five years behind bars on the 25th of July 2016, an year after he had been taken into police custody under the assault allegations.

While three years have elapsed since then, his family's only hope is to see him a free man.

Labaan's family

"I will not say that my child will not commit a crime, but the ruling issued on him was a big one, we do not accept it. It is abuse on him" said Labaan's father.

Labaan's father

Along with Labaan, a few others were arrested under similar allegations, and have since been sentenced.

Jailed are Moosa Sharmeel, Abdulla Rasheed Mohamed, Nasira Ali, Laushan Ahmed Zahir, Ahmed Ibrahim and Ibrahim Ibaad.

Among these detainees, Abdulla Rasheed Mohamed had succumbed to an internal ailment while being treatment in Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) while he was doing time. Many have claimed that he died due to delays in providing him with adequate medical attention.

Nasira Ali had been freed under certain conditions set by the Clemency Board.

While it has been three years since young Labaan has been wasting away in the darkness of his cell, his siblings wish to see their brother, a shining star in Maldives sports, freed as soon as possible.

Elder Brother Lamaan Shareef said that Labaan is a very joyful young man who pays respect to everybody.

Lamaan highlighted that it is his younger brother's dream to reach the skies in his career as a footballer. 

Lamaan Shareef, Labaan's elder brother

Evidently Labaan's dream had been crushed after his arrest, and he is to have said he will never play again.

It is not without reason, the police had evidently arrested Labaan while he was playing, to shatter his career. 

However, after some time Labaan had gotten used to the new ambiance, and was seen smiling a lot more during family visits. According to Lamaan, his younger brother always had a smile plastered across his lips during family visits to show them he is doing well.

"But I can clearly see, how very miserable he is. He is a courageous lad and is very disciplined inside that jail." said elder brother.

According to Lamaan, his younger version had been accomplishing many triumphs in his passion, football, since school days. 

His dream is to become the nation's best keeper.

His hard work was clearly visible inside his home, his room, where his neatly arranged medals and trophies shone in their splendor.

Labaan's many triumphs

His mother makes sure her son's accomplishments stay shining until his return.

Within the many years spent in confinement, Labaan shows a disciplined, marvelous example to all.

He is adored by many, respected by all and has earned the trust of several, today, Labaan is Maafushi Prison's leader.

The family's hope forever remains that Labaan will be released soon so that he can rejoin his people and become a man valuable to the society.

Labaan's family 
Editor's Note:
This report was originally written in Dhivehi by RaajjeMV reporter Aminath Nuzha, and was translated by Zunana Zalif
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