K. Male'
02 May 2018 | Wed 06:49
Opposition\'s Labor Day forum
Opposition's Labor Day forum
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Labor Day
Open forum hosted by opposition to hear workers’ concerns
The open forum was hosted at Mookai Hotel on Labor Day on Tuesday from 9:30 pm to 11:00 pm
Participants included workers from all the fields and some who were unlawfully fired from government positions
Some participants noted that the Maldives is seen to be undermining the goal of Labor Day, which is to hear the concerns of workers

Members of the Joint Opposition parties have hosted an open forum to hear the concerns of Maldivian workers.

The open forum was hosted at Mookai Hotel on Labor Day on Tuesday from 9:30 pm to 11:00 pm.

The forum saw the participation of Maldivian citizens working in diverse fields in the country. The participants were vocal in voicing their concerns within their respective fields.

At the beginning of the forum, Hussain Amru, the chair of MDP’s policy committee, said that those who would be voicing their concerns include workers from all the fields and some who were unlawfully fired from government positions.

Some participants noted that the Maldives is seen to be undermining the goal of Labor Day, which is to hear the concerns of workers. These concerns include fishermen not receiving fair prices for their catch and not being able to measure their catch, as well as the unavailability of ice.

Some also expressed concern over companies hiring Bangladeshi nationals for cheap labor and the increase of illegal workers. Others worried over the problems in education including the corruptive effects of politics in the field.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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