K. Male'
02 May 2018 | Wed 02:14
Women of Hulhumeedhoo delivering a feast to RaajjeMV
Women of Hulhumeedhoo delivering a feast to RaajjeMV
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maahefun to RaajjeMV
Citizens from Addu City, Hulhumeedhoo deliver a pre-Ramadan feast to RaajjeMV
The feast was initiated by the women of Hulhumeedhoo.
RaajjeMV appreciates the support from Addu City.
It is the first 'maahefun' received by RaajjeMV this year.

Citizens from Addu City, Hulhumeedhoo delivered a 'maahefun' or a pre-Ramadan feast to RaajjeMV on Tuesday. 

The women of Hulhumeedhoo said that the purpose of the treat was to show appreciation for the hard work done by RaajjeMV journalists and to give them more motivation to continue their work.

While some items that were delivered in the feast were prepared in Male', most of them were produced in Hulhumeedhoo itself. The items include 'Addu bondi', local candy, shorteats, fried breadfruit, 'bondibaiy' and 'kulhimas'. 

RaajjeMV's Chief Operating Officer (COO) Hussain Fiyaz Moosa said that the support received from Addu City brings utmost joy to the station's staff while acknowledging that it is the first 'maahefun' received by RaajjeMV this year. He also assured that RaajjeMV will continue to work hard without hesitation in providing news to the people of the Maldives.

Additionally, people from across the country have sent various gifts within the last two months to appreciate the diligent work done by RaajjeMV staff during the State of Emergency. For instance B. Thulhaadhoo citizens gifted pens with intricate traditional carvings (liyelaajehi) to all the staff at the station. 

RaajjeMV continues to perform well under pressure because of the love and support from the people of the Maldives. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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