K. Male'
02 May 2018 | Wed 02:25
Detainees of May Day 2015
Detainees of May Day 2015
May Day 2015
May Day protesters remain jailed under biased allegations: Ex-President Nasheed
Abdulla Rasheed, a detainee from May Day 2015 had succumbed to an illness while being treated in IGMH
In a tweet, Nasheed called their trials prejudiced and called for their immediate release

Mohamed Nasheed, former President and leader of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has said that the prisoners arrested at the massive May Day protest in 2015 are being held in confinement and charged under biased allegations.

In a tweet regarding the detainees of May Day 2015, former President Nasheed wrote that the trial conducted in their case was biased. He called on the immediate release of the detainees of the biggest rally the country has seen in recent history, saying that they are being held behind bars for charges raised on forged evidence.

Detainees who were charged and are doing time in jail include Adhaalath Party (AP) leader Imran Abdulla, Moosa Sharmeel, Nasira Ali, Laushan Ahmed Zahir, Ahmed Ibrahim, Ibrahim Ibaad and Ibrahim Labaan Shareef.

Abdulla Rasheed, who was also a detainee of the mass rally had passed away while he was doing time. He had succumbed to illness while being treated at Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), following which, Nasheed had tweeted his condolensces on Tuesday afternoon.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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