K. Male'
01 May 2018 | Tue 23:49
Former Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef
Former Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Terrorism Trials
JP's deputy Riyaz, ex-CP Areef's terror trials to begin on Wednesday
The first preliminary hearing in the terrorism allegations raised against Areef has been scheduled for 2pm Wednesday
The preliminary hearing for the terrorism trial against Riyaz has been scheduled for 5pm on Wednesday evening

Hearings in the terrorism trials against former Police Commissioner Ahmed Areef and Jumhoree Party (JP)'s deputy leader Abdulla Riyaz has been scheduled for Wednesday.

The first preliminary hearing in the terrorism-related charges raised against Areef, who served as the last Police Commissioner and is now in police custody, has been scheduled for 2pm Wednesday.

Terrorism charges have also been raised on Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, Justice Ali Hameed, long-serving president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and member of Parliament for South-Mahchangoalhi constituency Abdulla Sinan. They are accused of plotting a crime wtith the aid of ex-CP Areef.

As such, they were accused of planning a coup d'etat, for plotting to conduct criminal offences and obstructing police duties and public peace among several others.

The preliminary hearing for the terrorism trial against MP Riyaz, who is the representative of Kinbidhoo and had held the Police Commissioner's post in both Dr. Mohamed Waheed and incumbent President Yameen's tenures, has been scheduled for 5pm on Wednesday evening.

Riyaz is being taken under allegations of obstructing a law enforcement officer for which he was proven guilty by the High Court.

The High Court had ruled to jail Riyaz for four months and 24 days on the 24th of April this year after overturning the Criminal Court ruling that found him innocent.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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