K. Male'
01 May 2018 | Tue 13:05
The ‘Best Practices to Effectively Teach Students with Autism’ was held last week
The ‘Best Practices to Effectively Teach Students with Autism’ was held last week
Ministry of Gender
Fiyavathi Shelter
Fiyavathi Shelter staff host program to train teachers for students with autism
The program taught educators how to best use relevant tools to make communicating with such students easier
The program also trained educators on how to utilize their training to maximize the effectiveness of their applied skills

The Fiyavathi Shelter in Hulhumalé has held a training program for their teachers, aimed at developing the skill to adequately educate students affected with autism.

The ‘Best Practices to Effectively Teach Students with Autism’ taught educators how to best use relevant tools to make communicating with such students easier.

The program had also trained educators on how to utilize their training to maximize the effectiveness of their applied skills.

The Ministry of Gender and Family’s Program Manager Jalaa Zuhry said that similar programs will be conducted in the future, in partisanship with local civil society organizations.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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