K. Male'
30 Apr 2018 | Mon 08:59
Former President Ahmed Adeeb  makes a \'sign of horns\' gesture as correctional officers escort him back to incarceration from a hearing held in capital city Malé
Former President Ahmed Adeeb makes a 'sign of horns' gesture as correctional officers escort him back to incarceration from a hearing held in capital city Malé
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Adeeb Graft: Nasandhura Lease
Finance Ministry voids MVR 74 million fine on detained ex-VP Adeeb
Adeeb has been ordered to pay the sum as compensation for damages the state incurred
Adeeb had been accused of terminating a contract that would have potentially been benefitial for to state
Last week, Adeeb attended a hearing for his case of negligence against multiples state institutions

The Ministry of Finance and Treasury has repealed a notice it issued to former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, informing him to pay a hefty fine for the termination of a contract that would potentially been benefitial for the state.

Mariyam Nashwa, Adeeb’s wife, sent out a tweet with a letter from the ministry attached, and it says that the ’MVR 74,016,000 fine levied on him for violation of Public Finances Act, clause 47’ - has been repealed because the case is currently being investigated by the Anti-Corruption Commission.

Adeeb has been ordered to pay the aforesaid sum as compensation for damages the state incurred when the government’s agreement with a local private company to carry out a high-value project at the 'Nasandhura' plot in capital city Malé, was dissolved.

The Anti-Corruption Commission’s earlier investigation of the matter saw this as a direct move to deliberately deprive the state of funds that it would have received, had it not been for the dissolvement of the contract. Adeeb was given a seven-day period to pay the fine, on the 28th of April. 

Last week, the detained former vice president attended a hearing for his case of negligence against multiples state institutions, demanding action against the Maldives Police Service, the Maldives Correctional Service, and the Home Ministry for not providing him with urgently-required medical attention.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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