K. Male'
29 Apr 2018 | Sun 23:50
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maumoon's Trial
Maumoon’s trial: Ex-President given two days to assign lawyer
Maumoon requested the maximum allowed time to seek a lawyer, which is 10 days
Maumoon requested that the court revoke the decision to keep him in remand until the rest of his trial
The judge denied both requests

The Criminal Court has given former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom two days to assign a lawyer for his terrorism trial.

In the first preliminary hearing over the terrorism charges held on Sunday, the judge asked whether Maumoon was clear on the charges, to which he replied that he wants to proceed with a lawyer.

Maumoon requested the maximum allowed time to seek a lawyer, which is 10 days. However, presiding Judge Ahmed Hailam noted that Maumoon has used more than two lawyers for the initial investigation and that lawyers on behalf had sent letters to the Criminal Court regarding the terrorism charges.

Judge Hailam also noted that while Maumoon has been remanded for the rest of his trial, lawyers have been going to see him. Therefore, it was not reasonable to say that Maumoon has not assigned a lawyer yet, said the judge.

Maumoon said that since his lawyers have a busy schedule, he needed more time to discuss with them on who would be able to represent him in court. But despite his plea, Judge Hailam did not give him an extension.

Also, at Sunday’s hearing, Maumoon requested that the court revoke the decision to keep him in remand until the rest of his trial, and if not, then to at least consider his old age and transfer him to house arrest. Maumoon said that he has sent a letter to the court detailing his health condition with notes from doctors, and that keeping him in jail might lead to health complications.

The judge replied that his health was discussed in court before giving him the remand period and that he was transferred from Maafushi Prison to the improved facility in Dhoonidhoo Prison upon his request, and that he is being given special treatment compared to the other prisoners.

Maumoon has been charged with terrorism for allegedly bribing judges and MPs in an attempt to overthrow the government since 2013.

At Sunday’s hearing, state prosecutors said that Maumoon had bribed South-Mahchangolhi MP Abdulla Sinan and Dhangethi MP Ilham Ahmed, and that he was also behind the Supreme Court order on February 1 calling on authorities to release nine political prisoners and reinstate 12 opposition MPs.

Maumoon is also charged with obstruction of justice.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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