K. Male'
29 Apr 2018 | Sun 22:48
Member of Parliament Ahmed Mahloof with Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom
Member of Parliament Ahmed Mahloof with Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom
MP Mahloof and Former Presiden
'Release ex-President Maumoon, he is not a terrorist': MP Mahloof
President Maumoon helped with MP Mahloof's political career the most.
MP Mahloof said that they communicated respectfully even during times of disagreement.
MP Mahloof is under house arrest on charges of terrorism.

After declaring Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom to not be a terrorist, Member of Parliament (MP) Ahmed Mahloof called on the government to release him. 

"President Maumoon provided the most support in my political career. We communicated with each other respectfully even during disagreements and even when I was dismissed from PPM. It is because of the profound respect that I have for him", MP Mahloof tweeted.

MP Ahmed Mahloof has been politically active since Maumoon introduced Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP). During Maumoon's administration, Mahloof was appointed as the president's member at the parliament. While MP Mahloof has held the position of DRP's youth wing's president, as well as that of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), he has also worked in the councils of both the parties. 

The tweet calling to release the former president was published on Sunday, when the hearing of the terrorism case against President Maumoon was scheduled. Meanwhile, MP Mahloof tweeted from home as he is under house arrest on charges of terrorism. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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