K. Male'
29 Apr 2018 | Sun 22:39
Judge Ahmed Hailam from Criminal Court
Judge Ahmed Hailam from Criminal Court
Ibthihaal's Murder Trial
PG disapproves of Judge Hailam presiding over Ibthihaal's case
PG disapproved saying that Hailam has a conflict of interest in the case.
PG said that Hailam has close relationships with several people receiving allegations.
Regardless of PG's concerns, the court decided to continue the case.

Prosecutor General (PG) has disapproved of the case against people being accused of negligence over three-year-old Mohamed Ibthihaal's brutal murder by his mother being entrusted to Criminal Court's Judge Ahmed Hailam.

According to PG, they disapproved it because Judge Hailam has a conflict of interest in the case. 

While PG mentioned that the previous judge who presided over the case was Ahmed Shakeel, who has now been transferred to Family Court, PG stated that the reason Judge Hailam cannot be allowed to preside over the case is because he has close relationships with some of the people receiving the allegations and also because he had a difference of opinion regarding the case even when he worked at the Prosecutor General's Office earlier. 

PG highlighted these issues in the last hearing of the case, which was presided over by the newly assigned judge to Criminal Court, Judge Hailam. 

RaajjeMV receieved information that PG accused Judge Hailam of being particular close with three out of the four people being accused of negligence over the death of Ibthihaal. The allegations were received by Acting Commander of Vaavu atoll police station Lisaan Aboobakr, and three employees of Gender Ministry at the time, Mohamed Rasheed, Mohamed Shakeeb and Aminath Shiyaza. 

The court decided to continue the case despite PG's concerns voiced in the previous hearings. Witnesses are to be presented in the next hearing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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