K. Male'
29 Apr 2018 | Sun 16:50
Accident on Link Road in Laamu Gan
Accident on Link Road in Laamu Gan
Gan Accident
Accident: Two motorbikes crash on the main road of Gan
The accident occurred near the hospital.
The drivers did not face serious injuries.

A motorcycle accident took place on the main road of Laamu Gan at noon on Sunday. 

The accident occured in Mathimaradhoo district of Laamu Gan after two motorcycles crashed into each other.

Even though the drivers did not face serious injuries, they were taken to the Gan Regional Hospital for treatment within a short period of time. 

A witness present at the location informed RaajjeMV that the accident happened when a motorcycle coming straight from the main road crashed into a motorcycle turning right from the main road to go to the hospital. 

Laamu Gan has been experiencing dangerous accidents ever since the construction of the link road. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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