K. Male'
28 Apr 2018 | Sat 16:33
They said they only supported President Yameen during the previous elections at the behest of Maumoon.
They said they only supported President Yameen during the previous elections at the behest of Maumoon.
Joint Opposition
Gan residents celebrate ex-president Maumoon supporters joining Joint Opposition
They said they only supported President Yameen during the previous elections at the behest of Maumoon
They said that they now stand against the ‘tyranny’ of the current government

Residents of Gan island in Laamu atoll who support former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, and are also part of the ruling party, have joined an event held by the Joint Opposition.

While the Joint Opposition includes one faction of the ruling party, which remains loyal to Maumoon, the individuals that attended the event had been vocal in supporting President Abdulla Yameen’s bid for office in 2013.

Some of them spoke to RaajjeMV and said that they only supported President Yameen during the previous elections at the behest of Maumoon.

They said that they now stand against the ‘tyranny’ of the current government and will be seen at the Joint Opposition’s activities on the island, in the future.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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