K. Male'
24 Apr 2018 | Tue 18:24
Shaheed Hussain Adam Building
Shaheed Hussain Adam Building
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maldives National Chamber of C
MNCCI heads to police asking to investigate those calling to boycott Maldives
MNCCI has filed a police case against people calling on the international community to boycott Maldives
Vice President of the chamber Asif said that even though the filed case do not name individuals, they will be filing cases against individuals hereafter
Asif requested the public to provide support in bringing such individuals to the chamber's attention

Maldives National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) filed a case at the police on Tuesday seeking to investigate those calling on the international community to boycott Maldives. 

"We don't have anything against politicians competing for presidency. But we want strict action to be taken against anyone impeding the Maldivian economy by calling to boycott Maldives", said Vice President of MNCCI, Ismail Asif during a press briefing. He added that it is the first time the chamber has ever filed an official police case.

Asif informed media that the filed police case does not include any singular names and that it refers to such individuals as a group. However, he stated that from now on, MNCCI will file separate cases against individuals that call the international community to boycott Maldives' tourism. 

The vice president also asked for public support in bringing such people to MNCCI's attention. Meanwhile he assured that they will not only file individual cases against people calling for boycotts, but will be looking into their progress regularly. 

Even though negative campaigning as such were expected due to the presidencial election this year, he firmly condemned anyone involved in boycott campaigns. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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