K. Male'
23 Apr 2018 | Mon 22:57
Police officers obstructed a march on Monday, calling to open Yameen Rasheed\'s murder trial
Police officers obstructed a march on Monday, calling to open Yameen Rasheed's murder trial
Ashwa Faheem
Yameen Rasheed' Murder
Yameen Rasheed's Murder: police obstruct march calling to #OpenTheTrial
April 23 marks the one-year anniversary of Yameen Rasheed's gruesome murder
Authorities have decided to hold the hearing behind closed doors
His family says that they do not believed that justice can be served by holding a secret trial

Police officers obstructed a peaceful march held in the capital on Monday, calling on authorities to open the trial in blogger Yameen Rasheed’s murder case.

The march, organized by Yameen’ family, close friends and local NGOS, began at 4:15pm at Rasfannu. The participants, carrying boards with messages calling to open the trial, were only able to move forward until Maaveyo Magu, before police officers blocked them. While they were not allowed to move forward, two were arrested from the area- President of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s Youth Wing, Meekail Naseem and his mother. They were released a short while later.

After the police blocked the march, the participants dispersed, and headed to Artificial Beach where they continued their call.

While a number of prominent figures spoke at the event, the main call was to open the trial ‘so as to ensure justice’ and that there are no doubts on the verdict. They said that they do not believe that justice can be served by holding the trial behind closed doors.

The march ended after 6pm, with the organizers revealing plans to hold more such events until authorities decide to open the trial.

Yameen’s body was found on the stairwell of his home in the capital on 23rd April 2017, stabbed over 30 times. While six suspects have been arrested over the murder, authorities have chosen to hold the trial behind closed doors. This was received by immense criticism from the public, including the international community.

The Criminal Court decided to close the hearing after being requested to do so by the Prosecutor General's Office.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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