K. Male'
23 Apr 2018 | Mon 15:33
Maafushi Prison
Maafushi Prison
Correctional Service
Corrections allows prisoner-lawyer meetings everyday
On its website, the correctional service said that each prisoner will receive one meeting each day with at most two lawyers
It also said that the meetings can be scheduled at any time they wish, however they will prioritize time slots for prisoners that first requests it
Prisoner-lawyer meetings in Maafushi Prison can now also be held in the section reserved for family visits

Due to complaints received, Maldives Correctional Service has said it will allow prisoner-lawyer meetings every day.

On its website, the correctional service said that each prisoner will receive one meeting each day with at most two lawyers.

It also said that the meetings can be scheduled at any time they wish, however they will prioritize time slots for prisoners that first requests it. Those that were unable to receive their desired time slot will be given the next available one.

Prisoner-lawyer meetings in Maafushi Prison can now also be held in the section reserved for family visits. If a prisoner-lawyer meeting is scheduled at the exact time as a family visit, the prisoner-lawyer meeting will be given priority and the family visit will be pushed back.

Numerous lawyers have been complaining of not receiving enough meetings with their clients, especially lawyers representing high-profile political prisoners.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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