K. Male'
23 Apr 2018 | Mon 08:18
Missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan with his mother
Missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan with his mother
Abduction of Rilwan
Rilwan’s abduction: witnesses could not confirm ownership of car they took to Hulhumalé
State prosecutors presented two witnesses to confirm whether they were involved in taking a car to Hulhumalé
The first witness said he had transported a boat upon the request of “Akko”, but could not confirm when he transported the car, or its color
"Akko", the second witness, said he was not aware of Alif having owned a car

During the court hearing on Sunday regarding journalist Ahmed Rilwan’s disappearance, the two witnesses presented by the state could not confirm transporting a car belonging to the accused, Aalif Rauf.

State prosecutors on Sunday presented two witnesses to confirm whether they were involved in taking a car to Hulhumale' used in the abduction of journalist Ahmed Rilwan.

Three suspects have been charged over Rilwan’s disappearance, but two are now being tried after the third suspect, Mohamed Suad, reportedly fled to Syria and died.

Aalif Rauf and Mohamed Nooradeen are currently being tried for allegedly abducting Rilwan near his apartment building in Hulhumale’ in the early hours of 8 August 2014. The state alleged that the suspects had carried off Rilwan inside a car. Aalif and Nooradeen currently remain free.

In the hearing on April 8, two witnesses testified seeing Nooradeen driving a red car in Hulhumale’ around the time Rilwan went missing. The witnesses, who use to work with Nooradeen, recounted Nooradeen telling them that the car belonged to Alif Rauf.

On Sunday’s hearing, the two witnesses confirmed knowing both the accused. The first witness, who transports cars to Hulhumale’ via boat, said that he had transported a boat upon the request of someone nicknamed “Akko”. But the witness could not confirm when he transported the car, or its color.

He also recounted seeing Nooradeen driving a car in Hulhumale’ years earlier, but a yellow one. He did not remember Nooradeen driving another car.

The second witness is “Akko”, who had requested the first witness to transport a car. Akko said he was not aware of Alif having owned a car.

Testimonies were heard from boat captains and transporters in previous court hearings as well, but none could confirm taking a car owned by Alif to Hulhumale’. Even those who had testified to transporting a red car during the time of Rilwan’s disappearance could not confirm that it belonged to the accused.

A hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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