K. Male'
22 Apr 2018 | Sun 17:06
President of Islamic University, Dr Marzuki meets President Yameen
President of Islamic University, Dr Marzuki meets President Yameen
Presidents Office
Islamic University of Madinah
President of Islamic University of Madinah meets President Yameen
Dr Marzuki called on the President at the President's Office on Sunday
He discussed the importance of countering extremism and education's role in reaching the objective
Dr. Marzuki also congratulated President Yameen on the 'successful' economic development brought to the Maldives under his administration Plot Content

The President of Islamic University of Madinah, Dr. Hatim bin Al Marzuki met with President Yameen Abdul Gayyoom at the president's office this morning. 

Dr. Marzuki spoke about the urgency of countering extremism today and discussed the prime role of education in preventing the narrative from spreading further. While explaining the opportunities within the Islamic University of Madinah to pursue tertiary education from technical disciplines such as engineering, Dr. Marzuki mentioned the efforts made by the university to move away from radicalization. 

In addition to that, President Dr. Marzuki congratulated President Yameen for the successful economic development brought to the Maldives under his administration. 

Chancellor of Islamic University of Maldives, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, as well as the Undersecretary at the President's Office Dr. Hussain Faiz joined the meeting held at the president's office earlier today. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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