K. Male'
21 Apr 2018 | Sat 12:07
Deputy Male\' City Mayor Shamau Shareef
Deputy Male' City Mayor Shamau Shareef
Male' City
'Government cut down more than 300 trees in Malé' says councilor
Deputy Mayor Shamau Shareef said some of the felled trees had been very old
Male’ residents will suffer from air pollution like other developing countries that have neglected to safeguard its environment
Shareef accused the government of making decisions that greatly impact the lives of citizens, without asking for their opinions

Male’ City Council has claimed that the government has cut down 300 trees in the capital.

Speaking on a RaajjeTV programme on Friday night, Deputy Mayor Shamau Shareef said some of the felled trees had been very old.

Shareef said that the trees that have been targeted include ones in Boduthakurufaanu road encompassing Male’ City, and ones in mosques.

He also said that Male’ residents will suffer from air pollution like other developing countries that have neglected to safeguard its environment. The government had cut down the trees with only the promise of planting more, noted Shareef, warning of the consequences of such thoughtless actions.

Shareef accused the government of making decisions that greatly impact the lives of citizens, without asking for their opinions, and ignoring citizens in general by taking away the power of the councils, which are directly linked to the citizens.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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