K. Male'
20 Apr 2018 | Fri 21:42
An MDP delegation in Kudahuvadhoo
An MDP delegation in Kudahuvadhoo
Dhaalu Atoll Council deputy to sign on with MDP
Nasir was elected as an independent to Meedhoo constituency
The atoll’s MDP members are preparing a signing ceremony
Senior party members have gone to Meedhoo to congratulate Nasir

Ibrahim Nasir, the vice president of Dhaal atoll council, has decided to sign into the main opposition party, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

MDP vice chairperson Ali Niyaz has confirmed this to RaajjeMV.

Nasir, who was elected as an independent to Meedhoo constituency, decided to sign into MDP on Thursday. The atoll’s MDP members are preparing a signing ceremony.

Senior party members have gone to Meedhoo to congratulate Nasir, including vice chairperson Niyaz, spokesperson and MP Imthiyaz Fahmy, and MP Mohamed Falah.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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