K. Male'
19 Apr 2018 | Thu 12:25
Acting Commissioner Nawaz (R) met Lance Corporal Rifaau
Acting Commissioner Nawaz (R) met Lance Corporal Rifaau
Lance Corporal Rifaau
Lance Corporal Rifaau is an exemplary officer: Commissioner Nawaz
Rifaau had helped an ailing child
Commissioner Nawaz met Rifaau on Wednesday
Nawaz commended him for his service and ‘principled conduct’

Lance Corporal Mohamed Rifaau, who has recently become well known for helping a sickly child, is an exemplary officer of the law, acting commissioner of police Abdulla Nawaz has said.

Commissioner Nawaz met Rifaau on Wednesday and had commended him for his service and ‘principled conduct’.

Rifaau had helped an ailing child who was inside a taxi, on their where to the ADK Hospital in capital city Malé, during an hour of heavy traffic.

The child’s mother had taken to social media to share her appreciation for Rifaau, who had seen her struggle and took the initiative to carry her child to hospital by himself.

Rifaau has been applauded for his actions by a number of people on social media, including parliamentarians and other prominent individuals.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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