K. Male'
18 Apr 2018 | Wed 17:03
Sheikh Ali Zaid
Sheikh Ali Zaid
Sheikh Zaid
Judges that cannot guarantee justice must resign: Sheikh Zaid
Sheikh Zaid made these comments late Tuesday
Zaid has commented on Maldives’ political situation before as well

Adjudicators that cannot guarantee justice for people that are tried before them must resign immediately ‘for their own sake in the afterlife’, Sheikh Ali Zaid said.

Sheikh Zaid made these comments late Tuesday, in a post on his Twitter account, where he said that guaranteeing justice is a judge’s primary duty.

His comments come at a time when judges at local courts are facing heavy criticism for making decisions that are seemingly biased, and favour the government.

Zaid has commented on Maldives’ political situation before. In March, he said that putting forth false evidence and subjecting defendants to malicious prosecution would bring about divine wrath.

He said this hours after authorities announced that they were ready to move forward with allegations against former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and a number of other detainees.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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