K. Male'
18 Apr 2018 | Wed 12:12
Former Speaker of Parliament Abdulla Shahid on RaajjeTV\'s Fala Surukhee program
Former Speaker of Parliament Abdulla Shahid on RaajjeTV's Fala Surukhee program
Ahmed Muhsin
2018 Presidential Elections
'President Nasheed's name will definitely be on ballot papers': Shahid
The statement was addressed to the entire government
We are bounded by international covenants to comply
Government ignores any criticism against the current administration from the Supreme Court of Maldives, as well as UN Human Rights Council

Former Speaker of Parliament Abdulla Shahid has said that the government of Maldives shouldn't have anything more to say as President Nasheed's name will definitely be on the ballot papers in this election. 

Speaking on a panel in RaajjeTV's 'Fala Surukhee' program, MP Shahid mentioned that the current government in power was able to respond to the UN Human Rights Council's (UN HRC) conclusions because they were well aware in advance that UN will decide in favor of President Nasheed. He added that it is obvious Foreign Ministry compiled the response without even going through the document by UN HRC. 

MP Abdulla Shahid also noted that UN called not only the executive branch but the whole government to allow President Nasheed to contest as a candidate in the upcoming election. Furthermore, he said that the government has to respect UN's conclusions and act according to the covenants signed with international organizations. 

"UN called on the government of Maldives to comply with their conclusions. And the statement only requires the government to carry out activities bounded by international covenants", said Shahid. 

MP Shahid also mentioned that the government is rejecting everything that isn't in favor of their political gain, whether it be from the Supreme Court of Maldives or UN Human Rights Council. For instance, despite the Supreme Court ruling consisting the same instructions, the government ignored it and arrested two Supreme Court Justices instead. Shahid noted that we can currently see President Yameen's administration avoiding to do things they do not agree with, and added that it cannot continue for long. 

In reference to a tweet by President Mohamed Nasheed, who also called on the current government to comply with the UN's conclusions, Shahid said that President Yameen should follow UN's instructions if he considers himself as the president of Maldives and that he would not be a legitimate president if he fails to do so. 

Additionally, MP Shahid said that we have signed several covenants which mandates us to comply with UN's conclusions and highlighted the risks of rejecting them given Maldives' candidacy to become a member state of the UN Secretary Council.

MP Shahid urged the government to change its ways by following laws and regulations, and refraining from influencing national institutions. 

UN's decision is a big win for the entire Maldives, according to MP Shahid, who also said that it is a sign that the tiring work done by the opposition is paying off. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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