K. Male'
18 Apr 2018 | Wed 10:22
Water fountain at Rasrani Bageecha
Water fountain at Rasrani Bageecha
Housing Ministry
Rasrani Bageecha
Housing Ministry seeking interested parties to manage winter theme park
Winter park is to be managed by the same people who handle the cafe' area in Rasfannu
Information clearance needs to be completed by 22nd April
Regardless of the delay, they have started the reconstruction work of the winter park at a fast speed.

Housing Ministry has begun looking for interested parties to manage and operate the winter theme park and cafe', in Rasrani Bageecha. 

According to the ministry's announcement, the deadline for sending in applications is April 29.

Since the Housing Ministry had previously that the construction of winter theme park in Rasrani Bageecha will be complete by Fitr Eid, the park is expected to open in mid-June. 

The winter theme park will be rendered with artificial snow machines, and will facilitate temperature control technology based on a research conducted by two French and Swiss companies. 

Housing Ministry also noted that the park will be managed under a self-sustaining model.

The ministry said they decided to let the same group manage both the cafe' area and winter theme park 'in order to eliminate expenditure from the state budget'. 

The current government started reconstructing Sultan Park with a new concept in January 2016, which lead to a name change from "Sultan Park" to "Rasrani Bageecha", and was inaugurated in August 2017.

The Housing Ministry had previously said that the construction work on the winter theme park wil be completed by the end of 2017.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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