K. Male'
14 Apr 2018 | Sat 13:35
MET Office weather forecast
MET Office weather forecast
MET Office
'It will rain in most parts of Maldives': MET Office
There has been lightening and thunder from Thursday onwards
It will rain in most parts of Maldives
Seas are expected to be calm in general and moderate during showers

Maldives Meteorological Center announced that it will rain in most parts of Maldives and that there will be thunder and lightening with heavy rain in some islands. 

Surface winds are expected to be light and the variable will be from north-west and north at three to 13 miles per hour, as mentioned by MET Office. 

MET Office forcasted the seas to be slightly calm in general and moderate during showers. 

They also noted that there has been lightening and thunder amid the current rain showers since Thursday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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