K. Male'
11 Apr 2018 | Wed 16:59
Hulhumale\' HDC Office
Hulhumale' HDC Office
Mohamed Sharuhaan
HDC assigns areas in Hulhumale' to sell short-eats
Applications requesting for permits must be sent before 15:30 on 12th April
Applicants must be registered to Hulhumale'
Must pay a registration fee of MVR 150 per year

Housing Development Cooperation (HDC) made an announcement on a set of guidelines compiled to determine areas in which vendors are allowed to sell short-eats, as well as other relevant standards set by Health Protection Agency.

Vendors, who currently sell short-eats at various locations in Hulhumale', have been ordered to follow the guidelines. 

According to the new guidelines people can only sell short-eats after applying to HDC and receiving a permit. The announcement specifying these information was released on 10th April. The applications are to be sent by 15:30 on 12th April.  

HDC mentioned that permits will be allowed to eligible applicants after an interview process. They also noted that under the new guidelines permits will be released for an year and requires a registration fee of MVR 150 per year. The permits can be renewed annually. 

Permits will only be released to people who are registered in Hulhumale' dhaftharu and people who either have land, a flat or row house in Hulhumale', according to HDC. In addition to which eligible applicants must also have the capacity to follow HPA's guidelines. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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