K. Male'
11 Apr 2018 | Wed 13:42
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb\'s 33rd birthday celebrations
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb's 33rd birthday celebrations
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb
Ex-VP Adeeb celebrates third consecutive birthday in prison; how things have changed since April 2015!
In 2015, his birthday rang in with a special song, written and sung as a tribute to the soon to be vice-president
He was 'the man' back in April 2015, as government officials worked to make him the president's deputy
Former VP Adeeb turned 36 on April 11, 2018

As former vice president Ahmed Adeeb celebrates his third consecutive birthday in prison, why not have a look at how he celebrated his birthday in 2015, months prior to his arrest over an alleged plot to assassinate incumbent President Abdulla Yameen.

Back in April 2015 Adeeb was still the tourism minister, and more importantly, he was ‘the man’ among his peers.

It is no secret changes were brought to the age limits for the presidency and vice presidency, in order to ensure that Adeeb is eligible for the post. Prior to that, the constitution required candidates to be over 35 years of age. Adeeb turned 33 on 11th April 2015, and was appointed as the president’s deputy in July.

That year, his birthday rang in with a special song, written and sung as a tribute to the soon to be vice-president. It praised his work the work he was doing ‘without any fear or hesitation’, for the youth of the country.

The video for the song?

It shows Adeeb entering a room, as a ‘surprise’ awaits him. The room he is seen entering is the canteen, in the building where DhiTV was located, where its owner and well-known businessman Mohamed “Uhchu” Moosa waited for him, with his parents. It is important to note that special birthday song was edited by Moosa’s DhiFM.

Others that were there to celebrate the day with him include various cabinet ministers such as, Attorney General Mohamed Anil, Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee, Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim, as well as Parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed. The entire video is a compilation from this night, while another birthday video was showed to him during the celebrations.

But this was not the only celebration government officials held to celebrate Adeeb’s 33rd birthday.

On the eve of his birthday, a number of government officials- including President Abdulla Yameen, cabinet minister and parliamentarians- gathered to cut a cake and to make their future vice president feel special and loved. They were all clad in unofficial attire, including President Yameen.

This was shared by the ruling party’s parliamentary group leader Ahmed Nihan. This is the same MP who was seen sucking up to Adeeb the most at the time, at one point even saying that he was willing to beg President Yameen to appoint Adeeb as his deputy. However, less than three months after Adeeb’s appointment to the post, Nihan was singing a different tune, assuring Adeeb’s removal from the same position that Nihan himself had fought so much for.

His fellow cabinet ministers continued the birthday celebration two days later on 13th April, with a cake cutting ceremony,

Environment Minister Toriq, Fisheries Minister Shainee and AG Anil were present there as well, in addition to Education Minister Aishath Shiham, Housing Minister Mohamed Muizzu, Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed, then-Defence Minister Moosa Ali Jaleel, then-Youth Minister Ahmed Zuhoor and then-Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon.

Sharing a photo from that day, Adeeb wrote, “together we go forward with [President] Yameen”. This was the promise Adeeb made that day. However, as Adeeb rots in jail- after having been convicted on various allegations including plotting to kill the president- the rest of the cabinet continues to move forward with Yameen, which also means badmouthing their one-time favorite.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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