HA. Dhidhoo
11 Apr 2018 | Wed 15:29
Dhidhdhoo Police Station
Dhidhdhoo Police Station
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Maldives Police
Police enter Dhidhdhoo Council under a court order
Police received a court order from Ihavandhoo Magistrate Court to enter the council
5 members from the council have been suspended in regard to the statement
Police confiscated the originals of the documents linked to the statement released by the council

Police entered the premises of Dhidhdhoo Council office on Wednesday under a court order.  

A Dhidhdhoo council member who gave information to RaajjeMV noted that police entered the council premises at 10:00 am under a court order issued by Ihavandhoo Magistrate Court on Tuesday. 

According to the copy of the court order received by RaajjeMV, police entered the council premises to access the original copies of documents regarding a statement released by the council urging to implement the Supreme Court order released on 1st February.

The court order comprises of the criminal allegations against the council which include bringing changes to original documents, copying information, editing information on an important document and presenting it as the original, knowingly making a fake document to change the original, writer and date to present wrong information and including repititive information in a fake document to purposefully portray something false as true. The police confiscated the original documents from the council on their 'visit'.  

Dhidhdhoo council mentioned that the documents concerning the statement calling to implement the Supreme Court ruling released on 1st February, would have been sent to the relevant government institutions including LGA. 

5 council members from Dhidhdhoo have been suspended in regard to the statement published by the council. 

The council members facing suspension are not allowed to enter the council other than to receive services as a normal citizen, to have access to council documents and other facilities or to represent the council at any capacity, as decreed by LGA. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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