K. Male'
10 Apr 2018 | Tue 17:58
From the left: Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, and Justice Ali Hameed
From the left: Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, and Justice Ali Hameed
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex-President Maumoon, Jailed j
Ex-President Maumoon, jailed justices given 10 days to assign lawyers
Their first preliminary hearing on obstruction charges was held on Tuesday evening
Maumoon, Saeed, and Hameed were charged with obstruction after refusing to give their phones to the police
They are also charged with bribery and attempting to overthrow government

Court has given former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, and Justice Ali Hameed 10 days to assign lawyers.

Their first preliminary hearing on obstruction charges was held on Tuesday evening.

The presiding judge scheduled the second preliminary hearing for the 11th day, and also said that he would request authorities to allow the detainees to receive adequate time to meet with their lawyers and families.

Maumoon, Saeed, and Hameed were charged with obstruction after refusing to give their phones to the police.

They are also charged with bribery and attempting to overthrow government and have been in prison since being remanded for the rest of their trials.

The three were arrested on the night President Abdulla Yameen declared a state of emergency on February 5. Maumoon was arrested at his home while Chief Justice Saeed and Justice Hameed were arrested at the courthouse after police officers broke in through the roof.

President Yameen declared the state of emergency after refusing to implement the Supreme Court order on February 1 to release nine political prisoners and reinstate 12 opposition MPs.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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