K. Male'
09 Apr 2018 | Mon 16:04
Attorneys getting licensed to practice law
Attorneys getting licensed to practice law
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Lawyers must fight against bribery and corruption - Judge Areef
Importance must be given to following due process
Should not charge fees heftier than the level of work
Should maintain one's candor while practicing law

Supreme Court Judge Abdulla Areef calls on lawyers to coordinate with national institutions to work against bribes and acts of corruption. 

While giving a speech at the event held at Dharubaaruge on Sunday to license newly graduated attorneys to practice law, Judge Areef talked about the important qualities required in good lawyers.

"Lawyers should refrain from charging hefty sums from clients. And they must try to be involved in and take initiative in any work that ensures and safeguards justice", said Judge Areef. 

Areef also mentioned that lawyers must give importance to following due process and adviced them to always present themselves with honor and respect to anyone seeking legal services from them.

"Its important for lawyers to treat due process with the highest regard while representing clients and practicing other legal services. Lawyers must act as independent, unbiased professionals and must at all times refrain from acts that risk their professionalism", explained Areef.

Furthermore, he insisted lawyers to conjointly work with the courts to ensure justice to the general public within the Maldivian judicial system. Areef also urged the newly licensed lawyers not to be dishonest in order to save clients who have been involved in serious criminal activities. Hence, he adviced lawyers to always remain honorable in any legal work they might practice in the future. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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