K. Male'
09 Apr 2018 | Mon 14:28
Fishing crews were made to stay up through the night in order to ensure their catch stayed fresh
Fishing crews were made to stay up through the night in order to ensure their catch stayed fresh
Fishing Sector
Fishing vessels queued up, wait 11 hours to weigh catch
About 10 vessels waited overnight at Kooddoo island
MIFCO said they are working to provide weighing services as quickly as possible
MIFCO also said they provide 200 tons of ice to fishing crews daily

Fishing vessels guided to Kooddoo island in Gaafu Ali Atoll, where the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) weighs fish catch, have stayed there for over 11 hours in wait of service.

A member of one of the crews, who waited at Kooddoo island since Sunday, told RaajjeMV that about 10 vessels that were sent to Kooddoo on Sunday had been waiting there on Monday morning.

MIFCO’s plant in Kooddoo island weighs catch from different vessels and buys them at a set price, for production and distribution.

Ismail Rasheed, captain of the ‘Guruva’ vessel registered in Kolamaafushi of Gaafu Alif Atoll, alleged that the process is marred by favoritism.

“There has been political partisanship in MIFCO’s handling of catch. We are made to give two tons at a time. Some fishing vessels, with known political leanings, are allowed to give four and six tons at a time” Rasheed said.

Fishing crews also reported that having to wait such a long time for weighing services forced them to stay up through the night in order to ensure their yield stays fresh. MIFCO had also provided ice and other means to do so, they said.

MIFCO’s chief executive officer, Ramzee Aboobakr, said that they are working to weigh catch as fast as possible and that ‘none of the catch will have to be disposed’ of.

In reference to protest in Ihavandhoo island, over shortage of ice, Ramzee said that this was a result of unexpected rise in fish catch subsequently increasing the demand for ice.

In this regard, Ramzee said that MIFCO has eight ice plants in the southern atolls alone and that 200 tons of ice is provided to fishing vessels, daily.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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