K. Male'
09 Apr 2018 | Mon 12:03
Elections Commission Office
Elections Commission Office
2018 Presidential Elections
EC to meet political parties separately, after cancelling inclusive meetings
Meetings are organized to discuss monitoring and regulating of political parties.
Information on the preparations of Presidential Elections will be shared in the meetings.
Schedule of the meetings hasn't been published.

Elections Commission (EC) announced that they will be conducting meetings with political parties individually starting this Tuesday.

EC previously decided to meet all the political parties together, and scheduled a meeting Thursday. However, after cancelling this meeting, they announced that instead of conducting discussions with all the political parties together, they will be meeting each party separately. 

EC Member Ahmed Akram specified that they decided to meet political parties individually to emsure they meet each party and address their concerns as closely as possible and to effectively share relevant information.

According to EC, the time allocated for discussions will be acutely limited if they met with all the political parties together, and therefore will not have sufficient time to share the relevant information adequately. Akram also mentioned that the invitations to the said meetings have been sent out. 

He further added that apart from conferring how to monitor and regulate political parties, the impending meetings will include discussions regarding the preparations for the upcoming presidential elections. 

With ballots approaching, numerous citizens have expressed concern over the constrained space for the opposition to conduct political activities and also because several political leaders eligible to run as candidates have been taken into custody. Additionally, people were immensely troubled when EC decreed that 12 MPs had lost their seats, giving legitimacy to unlawful actions taken by the current government. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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