K. Male'
09 Apr 2018 | Mon 07:59
Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen photographed at the President\'s Office
Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen photographed at the President's Office
Presidents Office
Maldives - Syria
Maldives condemns chemical attack on civilians in Syria
The Foreign Ministry sent out a tweet early Monday morning
Maldives reiterated commitment to international efforts ‘to stop such horrific acts’
On Saturday, Syrian military forces began a series of air and ground attacks on eastern Ghouta

The Maldivian government has condemned the Syrian government’s chemical attack on eastern Ghouta, a suburban area near the city of Damascus.

The Foreign Ministry sent out a tweet on Sunday, expressing commitment to international efforts ‘to stop such horrific acts’.

The Syrian American Medical Society, a nonprofit organization working in the area, reported that more than 500 people were injured in the attack and up to 40 individuals have been confirmed dead.

On Saturday, Syrian military forces began a series of air and ground attacks on eastern Ghouta, which is considered the last rebel stronghold near the city.

War monitors for international news organizations have described the Syrian government’s bid to clear the area as President Bashar al-Assad’s biggest potential victory since 2016.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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