K. Male'
08 Apr 2018 | Sun 17:32
The body of Mohamed Nashid was found on Saturday morning in GA Maamendhoo
The body of Mohamed Nashid was found on Saturday morning in GA Maamendhoo
Dead man found
Man found dead in Maamendhoo on Saturday died of seizure
Mohamed Zaeem, the island council president, said this was confirmed by doctors
Nashid, a 38-year-old fisherman, was last seen alive on Friday night

The man found dead in GA Maamendhoo’s lagoon on Saturday had died from a seizure.

Mohamed Zaeem, the island council president, said this was confirmed by doctors.

Mohamed Nashid was found on Saturday morning. The council cited doctors saying that the wounds on his neck were likely caused by rocks. His body has since been buried.

Nashid, a 38-year-old fisherman, was last seen alive on Friday night.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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