K. Male'
07 Apr 2018 | Sat 02:36
Adhaalath Party (AP) leader Ali Zahir
Adhaalath Party (AP) leader Ali Zahir
Joint Opposition Rally
Everyone’s responsibility to stop un-Islamic acts: AP
Zahir warned that the un-Islamic act of stealing from the country has become commonplace
Zahir said that everyone has become the victim of such predation, including former presidents, police and military officers, judges, and President Abdulla Yameen’s associates
Zahir noted that President Yameen has been able to continue his oppression due to the support of others including officers in the police service

Adhaalath Party (AP)’s deputy leader Ali Zahir has said that it is everyone’s responsibility to stop un-Islamic acts.

Speaking at the Joint Opposition ceremony in HA Ihavandhoo on Friday night, Zahir warned that the un-Islamic act of stealing from the country has become commonplace.

Noting that the Prophet had called for Muslims to stop un-Islamic acts, Zahir said that President Abdulla Yameen’s government’s un-Islamic acts will be stopped, and that if people do not come out to stop it, they also have to bear responsibility.

Zahir said that everyone has become the victim of such predation, including former presidents, police and military officers, judges, and President Abdulla Yameen’s associates.

Zahir noted that President Yameen has been able to continue his oppression due to the support of others including officers in the police service. He appealed the officers to see the negative impact of his oppression seen even in the police service, such as the arrest of former police commissioners and Special Operations (SO) officers.

He concluded his speech by urging people to come together to stop oppression and vowing to jail President Yameen.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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