K. Male'
03 Apr 2018 | Tue 22:26
From left: Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, President Abdulla Yameen, Minister Mohamed Saeed, Justice Ali Hameed
From left: Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, President Abdulla Yameen, Minister Mohamed Saeed, Justice Ali Hameed
Presidents Office
Jailed Supreme Court Justices
Jailed Supreme Court justices suspended without pay
Judicial Service Commission (JSC) made the decision according to article 24(b) of the Judges Act
Article 24(b) of the Judges Act was a recent amendment passed by pro-government MPs in parliament after the justices were arrested during the state of emergency
JSC suspended the justices according to the amendment, while the Supreme Court is still holding hearings on the case

Jailed Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed have been suspended without pay.

Judicial Service Commission (JSC) made the decision according to article 24(b) of the Judges Act which states that a judge is to be suspended upon receiving criminal charges until the conclusion of their trial.

JSC said the Prosecutor General’s office has notified that charges have been raised against Justice Saeed and Hameed.

Article 24(b) of the Judges Act was a recent amendment passed by pro-government MPs in parliament after the justices were arrested during the state of emergency. Joint opposition MPs have condemned the amendment as unconstitutional and filed the case at Supreme Court. JSC suspended the justices according to the amendment, while the Supreme Court is still holding hearings on the case.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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