K. Male'
03 Apr 2018 | Tue 09:47
A satellite image of Dhuvaafaru in Raa Atoll
A satellite image of Dhuvaafaru in Raa Atoll
Sexual Offenses
Charges raised against 10 over multiple-perpetrator sexual assault in Dhuvaafaru
Judicial proceedings pertaining to the matter are to begin on Tuesday afternoon
10 individuals have been arrested, including a woman and a minor
Some of the individuals arrested over the matter are also accused of ‘producing pornographic material’

Prosecutors have decided to raise charges against 10 individuals, all accused of sexual assault on a woman in Dhuvaafaru island of Raa Atoll.

Judicial proceedings pertaining to the matter are to begin on Tuesday afternoon and a hearing has been scheduled for 13:00, RaajjeMV understands.

The assault was reported to the police as having taken place on January 18th, and the woman in question is 25-years-old.

Some of the individuals arrested over the matter are also facing allegations of having ‘produced pornographic material’, with their victim as the subject.

Police had arrested 10 individuals in relation to the crime, including a woman and a minor. Five of these individuals are related and registered at the same residence. The minor will be tried at the Juvenile Court.

The aforesaid five individuals, the woman arrested over the matter are from Kandholhudhoo of the same atoll. Residents of this island have been living in Dhuvaafaru since the 2004 earthquake and tsunami.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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