K. Male'
02 Apr 2018 | Mon 10:50
A hired hand helps carry sacks of cement off a lorry
A hired hand helps carry sacks of cement off a lorry
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Malé City
Cargo transportation time restriction should have been discussed: Mayor Shifa
Mariyam Shifa, mayor of the Malé city council, said that the decision should have been discussed
A number of local businesses have reported that the decision will have an impact on prices

Local merchants and cargo carriers have been expressing concern over the Economic Ministry’s decision to restrict cargo transportation in the capital to specific times of the day, says Mayor Mariyam Shifa.

The Malé City mayor told RaajjeMV on Sunday that such a decision, one that will inevitably have a hefty impact on the city's business commuity, should have been discussed before imposition.

As of April 1st, local transporters can only lift merchandise, ranging from bottled goods, food items, and construction material, for delivery and storage between the hours of 18:00 – 06:00.

Shifa said that a number of concerns have to do with the manner in which the procedural change was imposed and could have been stayed by inclusiveness and discussion.

Local shop and café owners have spoken about the impact that this have on their operations in Malé and estimated that the price of their goods will also rise.

In this regard, the mayor noted that the decision is ill-timed and its impact on prices of goods in local markets will soon be felt, given that the month of Islamic fasting, Ramadan, is to come in May.

The decision was commended for its positive impact on traffic in Maldives’ densely populated and so congested capital.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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