K. Male'
30 Mar 2018 | Fri 10:52
Members of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission photographed at the President\'s Office
Members of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission photographed at the President's Office
Presidents Office
Reports of probe into ex-President Nasheed interview is 'fake news': MBC
MBC condemned the matter to the utmost severity

The Maldives Broadcasting Commission has refuted reports that they are looking into an interview former President Mohamed Nasheed gave to a local television station in February.

In a post on their twitter account, the commission said that ‘reports being spread in the media about an ongoing investigation is fake news’.

The commission said in its tweet, typed out in Dhivehi, that it condemns the matter to the utmost severity and described it as slander.

In the interview, the opposition leaders called on his supporters to stand against what he described as erosion of democratic principles.

In this regard, he tells them to hold acting police commissioner Abdulla Nawaz, military chief Ahmed Shiyam, and Attorney General Anil, accountable.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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