K. Male'
21 Mar 2018 | Wed 23:06
Former deputy prosecutor general Hussain Shameem
Former deputy prosecutor general Hussain Shameem
State of Emergency
Police interfering in prosecution stage: Lawyer
Shameem said that police officers are also present during the court hearings
He also said that the court has been summoning people for remand hearings but carrying out their trials instead

Former deputy prosecutor general Hussain Shameem has expressed concern that the police are now playing an active role in the prosecution stage.

Speaking to the press outside the Criminal Court on Tuesday, Shameem said only registered lawyers can enter the Criminal Court, however, now police officers are seen guarding the entrance and allowing lawyers in.

Shameem said that police officers are also present during the court hearings, which he hasn’t seen in his 20 years of working in the legal sector, adding that it was unconstitutional for officers to be involved in the prosecution stage.

He also said that the court has been summoning people for remand hearings but carrying out their trials instead. He said lawyers can’t be expected to prepare for a trial when their clients are given summons for a remand hearing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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