K. Male'
20 Mar 2018 | Tue 23:18
Parliament member for Maduvvari constituency Mohamed Ameeth
Parliament member for Maduvvari constituency Mohamed Ameeth
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Mohamed Ameeth
New investigative officer to take over MP Ameeth's case
In a tweet shortly after receiving the summons, Ameeth expressed his hope for the new investigative officer to understand his statements and conclude the investigation without alterations
The allegations raised on Ameeth are for calling on the public to overthrow the government and for encouraging anti-government political turmoil while there is an ongoing state of emergency
Similar charges were raised against MDP Spokesperson Imthiyaz Fahmjy who was summoned to police HQ early Tuesday afternoon

Maduvvari constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth was summoned to police headquarters at 9:30 pm, Tuesday, where his case was overseen by a new investigative officer. 

In a tweet shortly after receiving the summons, Ameeth wrote that he is to be summoned with a legal representative and that a new investigative officer has been assigned his case.

Furthermore, Ameeth expressed his hope for the new investigative officer to understand his statements and conclude the investigation without alterations.

After Monday's summons, Ameeth had claimed that his statements had not been well grasped and he had again been ordered to present himself to Police headquarters at 3:15 pm Tuesday which had later changed to 9:30 pm.

The allegations raised on Ameeth are for calling on the public to overthrow the government and for encouraging anti-government political turmoil while there is an ongoing state of emergency.

Similar charges were raised against North-Maafannu MP  and opposition Maldivian Democratic Party(MDP)'s spokesperson Imthiyaz Fahmy, who was also summoned to police headquarters early Thursday afternoon.

After being summoned, Imthiyaz was ordered to present himself with a legal representative at 8:30 pm, Wednesday.

While Ameeth had previously been arrested from anti-government protests calling for the resignation of President Abdulla Yameen, he had stated that the opposition's reform efforts to bring back democracy and uphold the rule of law will not come to cease.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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