K. Male'
20 Mar 2018 | Tue 15:51
Local Government Authority of the Maldives
Local Government Authority of the Maldives
Local Government Authority
LGA suspends more island councilors
In a letter sent to the councils, LGA informs members of their suspension of one month without salary and increments
Suspended are council members of GDh Gahdhoo, B Hithaadhoo and Sh Milandhoo

The Local Government Authority has suspended more coucil members of three different atolls.

In a letter sent to the councils, LGA informs members of their suspension of one month without salary and increments.

Suspended are: Gaaf Dhaal Gahdhoo Mayor Rayyan Jamaal, Deputy Mayor Aminath Farzeena, Amir Abdulla, Baa Hithaadhoo Mayor Abdul Azeez Mohamed, Deputy Mohamed Hassan, and Anwar Mohamed. 

Shaviyani Milandhoo Mayor Abdulla Faiz and Deputy Ahmed Shiyam.

Until their suspensions are over, Gahdhoo council is to be managed under the only ruling party member of the council, Mohamed Labeeb, and Milandhoo council is to be managed by Abdulla Athif, also a ruling party member.

LGA had previously suspended council members over a resolution passed by island councils of Addu City, B. Thulhaadhoo, and Kamadhoo islands, and threatened to dismiss the councils and file a case at the High Court if they repeat it.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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