K. Male'
19 Mar 2018 | Mon 17:26
Missing vessel \'Concord-2\'
Missing vessel 'Concord-2'
MNDF Coast Guard
Vessel missing on Monday morning found
The vessel was reported missing on Monday morning and was found later that evening
"Concord-2" left Seenu atoll Maradhoo island for fishing at 6:00am on Friday and was last contacted through satellite phone on Sunday evening

Maldvies National Defence Force (MNDF)'s southern area Coast Guard Squadron had begun a search for a fishing vessel that was reported missing early Monday morning.

MNDF Coast Guard's Maritime Rescue Cordination Center (MRDC) received information on the missing vessel at around 9:20am.

According to MNDF, the vessel named "Concord-2" had left Seenu atoll Maradhoo island for fishing at 6:00am on Friday and was last contacted through satellite phone on Sunday 6:10pm.

MNDF added that they had received information from one of the boat travellers that they had resumed sailing after having had issues with the engine. 

The vessel was found via helicopter on Monday evening.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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