K. Male'
19 Mar 2018 | Mon 16:39
MP Ameeth in front of RaajjeTV station where he was handed the summons notice
MP Ameeth in front of RaajjeTV station where he was handed the summons notice
Murushidh Abdul Hakeem
MP Mohamed Ameeth
MP Ameeth to be summoned to police HQ
Ameeth was issued the summons notice on Sunday was he was leaving RaajjeTV station
According to the summons the MP is to present himself to Police HQ at 9:30 pm on Monday night
Ameeth is accused of encouraging to disrupt public peace by calling on citizens to protest against the government

Madduvari MP Mohamed Ameeth has received a summons to present himself to police headquarters.

Ameeth was issued the summons on Sunday as he was leaving RaajjeTV station after a show.

According to the summons, the MP is to present himself to Police HQ at 9:30 pm on Monday night.

He is to be summoned for a police investigation for allegedly encouraging to disrupt public peace and calling on the public to take to the streets to protest against the government while there is a State of Emergency declared across the nation.

This case is being investigated as a criminal offense for calling on citizens to join Friday's mass rally and for his speech in a press conference earlier that day.

Ameeth expressed frustration over the manner in which police handed him the summons, saying that the professional etiquette would have been to bring it to his residence.

Similar accusations have been raised against Adhaalath Party (AP)'s Media Committee Chairman Ali Nazeer and he has also been summoned to the police HQ.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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