K. Male'
18 Mar 2018 | Sun 17:13
MPs Ilham and Sinan brought for their remand hearing
MPs Ilham and Sinan brought for their remand hearing
Mohamed Sharuhaan
State of Emergency
Court remands MPs over alleged plot to overthrow government
Remands were issued on MPs Sinan, Ilham and Lawyer Zalif early Sunday
Accusations against Sinan and Ilham are of attempting a coup d'etat
Allegations against Zalif are that of trying to hide evidence on brother Ilham's 'conspiracy'

South-Mahchangoalhi MP Abdulla Sinan has been remanded for 15 days by the criminal court over allegations of attempting a coup.

The criminal court had issued a remand of 15 days on members of parliament Sinan and Dhangethi constituency Ilham Ahmed as well as his younger brother, Lawyer Adam Zalif at a remand hearing held earlier on Sunday.

The remand hearing on Sinan comes after he had spent a while in detention after his arrest which came under the state of emergency.

Sinan was arrested under accusations of attempting a coup against the administration, for accepting bribes and allegedly being involved in schemes to overthrow the government within the parliament.

The parliament member turned himself in after the police began searching for him on the 09th of February. 

Ilham and his brother Zalif were also taken into police custody under similar accusations.

Ilham was arrested on the 12th of February under allegations of conspiring to overthrow the government and threatening fellow parliament members while Zalif was arrested on the 20th of February under accusations of attempting to hide evidence on Ilham's case.

While Zalif's Lawyer Sheena Mohamed has stated that Zalif is giving his full co-operation to the police investigation, the investigation is yet to successfully conclude.

Ever since the state of emergency was declared, individuals arrested under it do not need a remand hearing to be kept in police custody and while MPs Ilham, Sinan and Lawyer Zalif were arrested under the SoE and were brought in for their remand hearings, questions have risen regarding the matter.

Police responded to lawyers queries stating that remands were issued on some arrested under the SoE to comply with International Best Practices.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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